By- Taniya Sharma, BCA 1st year, 1st shift
Artificial intelligence also known as machine intelligence is an ability of a machine to think on its own or to achieve the desired goal at its own. Since 1956, from origin of AI, it has developed so far that AI has become an integral part to our lives. AI is also defined as ‘research agents’ i.e. any device that perceives its environment and take actions that maximise its chance of fully achieving the goal given. Colloquially, the term ‘artificial intelligence’ is applied when a machine can perform those functions which a human mind can perform with other human.
of AI born at a workshop at Dartmouth college, in 1956. Allen Newell, Herbert
Simon, John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky and Arthur Samuel produced a program for a
machine that can solve algebraic problems, proving logical theorems and which
can speak English. In early 1980s, an expert system was produced for AI, which
was capable of having analytical skills of a human being. With passing years AI
was able to perform large functions like data mining, statistical data performance
and many other complications which results, in 2010, the great demand of
artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence is based upon the following
figures (i.e. the functions to be performed by AI) reasoning, knowledge,
planning, learning, natural language processing, perception and the ability to
move and manipulate object. Reasoning can be resembled as the way a human being
solves a puzzle by applying step by step logics, AI must be capable of doing a
procedure. Knowledge representation is the central pillar of AI, a machine is
expected to solve problems in which AI need to represent to know: object,
properties, categories and relation between object, situation, event, stage and
time, cause, effect and many other. AI must be able to set and achieve goals
which includes planning, learning is a fundamental concept of AI, which in
terms of computer is defined as study of computer algorithms that improve
automatically through experience. Natural language processing gives AI the
ability to understand the human language. Perception is to take inputs through
on which AI works are as follows: search and optimisation, logic, probabilistic
method for uncertain reasoning, classifier and statistical learning methods,
artificial neural language. Among them the most important is artificial neural
language. As like a human brain carries information in neurons and save them,
AI also have its own neuron system in which it stores information manipulate it
and saves it. Earlier AI was inspired by Lisp and Prolog language but in recent
AI uses python or C++ or niche languages such as Wolframe language.
burgeon Artificial intelligence is a nitty-gritty for today’s scenario.
Everything have its pros and cons hence; the AI contains its advantages and
disadvantages with it. With accelerating growth of AI, it is used in many
fields as medical treatment in many medical hospitals with almost no mistake,
AI is also used in automobile, many companies like Tesla, google, apple etc. are
making driverless cars using AI, finance and economics (basically for
investigation), in video games AI is purposefully to used to generate dynamic
behaviour of non-player characters and many more.
Stephen hawking said “the development of full artificial intelligence could
spell the end of human race. Once human develop artificial intelligence, it
will take off on its own and redesign itself at an ever-risking rate. Humans,
who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete and would be
superseded.”. this statement in itself defines the black part of artificial
intelligence.AI in future may lead to be the reason of devaluation of humanity,
decreasing in demand of human labour, artificial moral agent is also a serious
issue, this describes the ethics of a machine with humans and other AI agents,
many philosophies said that AI can neither designed nor guaranteed to be
benevolent, it is a question to be asked that what will happen if AI will be
able to get human consciousness? Of course, it will lead to destruction. Having
said that I would like to say that gaining excellence par excellence and making
technology an ease and essence of life is good but excess of everything is
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