Artificial Intelligence

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By - Kshitij Chawla, BCA 2nd sem, 2nd Shift.      

"I propose a question, Can Machines Think". - Alan Turing
Well today inspired by his question I’m gonna talk about Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial Intelligence has been growing faster than we think. It has already made its place in our daily life.
For Example – Every time we Google something some kind of artificial intelligence is being used to give us the best result, Every time you asked Siri question natural language processing and speech recognition is being used, Google Translate is becoming more and more faster than ever before by gaining past knowledge stored in the databases, Automated cars etc.
What is Artificial Intelligence??
"Every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to stimulate it. An attempt will be made to find how to make machines use language, form abstractions and concepts, solves kind of problems now reserved for humans and improve themselves."
In other words Artificial Intelligence is a machine with the ability to solve problems that are usually done by us humans with our natural intelligence.
Changing our Lives
It will change our lives entirely. It will change the way we thinks of now, the way we look at things and change the way we do our work. It has the potential to bring revolution in our lives and forever changing our humanity.
The original 7 Aspects of A.I. (1955)
1) Simulating higher functions of the human brain.
2) Programming a computer to use a general language.
3) Arranging hypothetical neurons in a manner so that they can form concepts.
4) A way to determine and measure problems complexity.
5) Self-improvement.
6) Abstraction: Defined as the quality of dealing with ideas rather than events.
7) Randomness and creativity.
The most important factors of intelligence are generalization learning that is learning that enable the learner to be able to perform better in situations not previously encountered.
Few examples of Artificial Intelligence-
Machine learning, Computer Vision, Natural language processing, Robotics, Pattern recognition etc.
Different types of Artificial Intelligence in terms of approach For example strong Artificial Intelligence and weak Artificial Intelligence. Strong Artificial Intelligence is simulating human brains by building systems that think and in the process give us an insight into how the brain works, we're nowhere the stage yet.
Well AI is a system that behaves like a human but doesn't give us an insight how the brain works.
IBM's deep blue a chess playing Artificial Intelligence was an example, it processed millions of move before it made any actual moves on the chessboard.
There's actually a new kind of middle Artificial Intelligence between strong and weak Artificial Intelligence, this is where a system is inspired by human reasoning but doesn't have to stick to it.
IBM's Watson is an example- like humans it reads a lot of information recognizes pattern and builds up evidence to say "Hey I’m X percent confident that this is the right solution to the question.
What is Machine learning??
Machine learning refers to algorithms that enable software to improve its performance over time as more data is entered this is programming by input-output examples rather than just coding so that this makes more sense. Let me give you an example - A programmer would have no idea how to make a computer that differentiates between a dog and a cat, but he can create a program with a form of intelligence that can learn to do so if the programmer gives the program enough image data and information about them and lets it process and learn, Then after when you give the program an image of a of a dog or cat that program has never seen before, it would be able to tell if it's a dog or cat by observing the whiskers of a cat or you can say nose of a dog or anything else that differentiates a dog from a cat.

How do Machines learn??
They are just like us as we learn from examples of things and repeated practices and repeated practice and examples are key to machine learning as well. Scientists expose a system to examples of behavior we want to have and those examples are going to teach it. It's going to learn from those examples how to do something.
The field of intelligence has been moving extremely quickly in the last few years. Artificial Intelligence is going to be more impactful than the invention of personal computer and the spread of mobile phones in your pocket.
Idea of artificial intelligence is not new, it's been around since the very earliest days of computing. It's a grand project to build machines that are intelligent, who can think and act on their own.
 The most promising approach though is the area of machine learning rather than trying to embody machines with everything the need to know up front, rather we want to enable them to learn how to learn so that they can learn from their observations and experiences of the world and to make possible set of outputs based on those observations.
Well now answering to Alan Turing question I can say that Artificial Intelligence can think, can react and work on its own. It has power to change the world and views of the people about how they think about the world.



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