Artificial Intelligence

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By – Nikita Gupta, BCA 2nd Sem,  2nd Shift

After Internet, artificial intelligence is the next big thing. Artificial intelligence is the advanced level of technology. Self driving cars, virtual personal assistants like Siri, and intelligent tutorial systems; AI has made it all possible.  In the upcoming years, it will revolutionize the whole world.
Artificial means man made and intelligence means intellect hence artificial intelligence means man made intellect. Artificial intelligence is the technology of making an “intelligent” machine, a machine that can think, analyze and make decisions just like humans. It is about mimicking human brain in a machine and to achieve that it needs learning capabilities and that is where machine learning comes into picture. Machine learning is focused on writing software that can learn from past experience. Deep learning is the subset of machine learning. Deep learning is capable of handling high dimensional data which the former was not.  Deep learning works similar to the human brain. Like human brain works on neurons, deep learning works on artificial neurons called perceptrons.

AI is making our lives easier. With AI, we can have robots that can work for us .AI based robots have better accuracy and speed. They can perform tasks better than humans.  Self driving cars are boon for old and disabled people. They solve the accident problem also.
But the question is, is artificial intelligence a threat to humans? Sophia, the first humanoid robot, has said that it wants to destroy humans. Elon musk recently tweeted that artificial intelligence is more dangerous than North Korea.  Mass unemployment with the introduction of highly capable robots has become a serious concern. Soon, automation will destroy human centered jobs.  Will AI lead mankind to brighter future or disaster?



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